Student information

List of topics required for credit in neonatology:

Fetal physiology and mechanisms of adaptation to life outside of the uterus (fetal circulation, thermoregulation)
Screening and vaccination during infancy
Neonatal jaundice: evaluation and treatment
Preterm birth, intrauterine hypotrophy, assessment of gestational age
Bacterial and viral intrauterine infections
Diseases typical of premature infants: respiratory distress syndrome, enterocolitis, intraventricular hemorrhage, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, retinopathy of premature infants
Infant born to diabetic mother
Respiratory disorders: differential diagnosis and treatment
Neonatal nutrition, breastfeeding, parenteral feeding
Resuscitation of a newborn at the delivery room
Congenital defects and genetically conditioned syndromes
Three level of organization of perinatal care


Rules and regulations for neonatology classes for 4th year students of the Faculty of Medicine:

The neonatology classes will last for 5 days from 8:00 am till 12:30 pm. Each student is also obligated to participate in 5 hour of practical exercises within the afternoon duty. The presence at all classess is compulsory.

Student should gather at 8:00 am on Monday in the seminary room of the neonatology Department. Please bring hospital shoes and stethoscopes.

A written exam in the form of a test will take place on Friday. In order to receive a full credit, each student has to provide a complete credit sheet.
Presentations to download:

Birth Trauma – Smeeta Sardesai 
HyperbilirubinemiaMSN 621
Infant of Mother with Chorio
Merritt Airleaks
Merritt RDS Stock Lecture
Neonatal Hypoglycemia and an Overview of Glucose Homeostasis, Infant of Diabetic Mothers – Dr_ Allen Merritt
New Hypoglycmemia 1
Patel, Rita – Neonatal Skin Lecture
Toxo & Rubella-2
Transition to Extra uterine Life-1
The Sacred Hour – Raylene Phillips